Apply to be a Candidate for Green+!

Do you want to help Green+ achieve their goals and help make Radboud Greener? Apply to be a Green+ candidate for the 2024 USC elections!

We are looking for people who stand behind Green+’s core values. These values include sustainability, inclusivity, animal ethics and social safety. An ideal candidate would embody all these values.

We separate two different types of list candidates; Lead Candidates and Supporting Candidates.

Lead Candidate

Lead candidates apply to be in the Student Council on behalf of Green+

What you will do

  • Represent Green+ in council meetings but also outside of it
  • Lead projects to realize our party program and change policies
  • Have regular meetings with the Universities Board and important policy workers to influence them

What you will gain

  • The opportunity to get your ideas realized at Radboud
  • Access to the college board and other important people at Radboud
  • Access to our political network
  • Political and professional experience
  • New friendships and a community; both in the USC and in Green+
  • A valuable and sought-after addition to your CV
  • Between €4.400 and €12.000

What we seek in a Lead Candidate

  • Commitment to our core values of sustainability, inclusivity, animal ethics and social safety
  • Approximately 10 hours that you could spend on Green+ and the USC
  • Good communication skills, articulate and convincing
  • Expertise or special interest related to our core values is a plus

Supporting Candidate

Supporting candidates have little chance of being elected but will be able to help promote Green+ by gaining votes for the party.

What you will do

  • Participate in meetings in preparation for the campaign
  • Help out in the campaign by organizing events or spreading promotional material such as posters
  • Activate your personal network to vote for Green+

What you will gain

  • The opportunity to help change Radboud for the better through relatively little effort
  • Access to our political network
  • Experience in how to run a campaign
  • New friendships and a community within Green+
  • A valuable addition to your CV

What we seek in a Supporting Candidate

  • Alignment with our core values of sustainability, inclusivity, animal ethics and social safety
  • Availability between the 22nd and 29th of May

When we founded the party we never expected to immediately become the largest. But it is great to notice that we can now really make a concrete impact by being in the USC. That makes it very fun and motivating. They can’t get around us anymore!

Rebecca van Eijden member of the USC

Being in the USC has contributed enormously to my personal and professional development. I now know much better how to bring about change in organizations. But what people may not realize is that you also build close friendships in the USC; it’s really fun together!

Kjeld Bloemendal vice-president of the USC

The overwhelming electoral succes in our first year shows that our values resonate with students. Getting this succes was the result of a challenging strategic puzzle involving our programme, our campaign plans and our positioning. Now that the groundwork has been laid, it’s up to the next campaign team to refine these for this year’s circumstances. And if you like a challenge, it’s going to be a lot of fun!

Paul van Gent campaign strategist 2023